Intel protected fs

Overall Description

The Intel Protected FS are implemented as a combination of a untrusted component and a trusted component. Informally, the untrusted component calls the OS API to persist and retrieve data (in ciphertext) to/from the OS file system, the trusted component takes charge of encryption, decryption, integrity protection and caching. The trusted component exposes the similar file operation API to the applications.

Internally, a file is represented as a tree of nodes. The leaves nodes are data nodes and the non-leaf nodes are MHT nodes. Currently, one node hold can 4KB data. One one-leaf node has 96 children.

##Calling graph of write

               --> get_data_node() 
               --> internal_flush() 
               --> update_all_data_and_mht_nodes() --> sgx_rijndael128GCM_encrypt()
                   +                                |
                   update_meta_data() ---------------
                   set_update_flag() ------------> u_sgxprotectedfs_fwrite_node()
                   +                             |
                   clear_update_flag() ----------|
                   +                             |
                   write_all_changes_to_disk() --|

##Overall Description

EDL definition (common/inc/sgx_tprotected_fs.edl)

 36     untrusted {
 37                 void*   u_sgxprotectedfs_exclusive_file_open([in, string] const char* filename, uint8_t read_only, [out] int64_t* file_size, [out] int32_t* error_code);
 38                 uint8_t u_sgxprotectedfs_check_if_file_exists([in, string] const char* filename);
 39                 int32_t u_sgxprotectedfs_fread_node([user_check] void* f, uint64_t node_number, [out, size=node_size] uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t node_size);
 40                 int32_t u_sgxprotectedfs_fwrite_node([user_check] void* f, uint64_t node_number, [in, size=node_size] uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t node_size);
 41                 int32_t u_sgxprotectedfs_fclose([user_check] void* f);
 42                 uint8_t u_sgxprotectedfs_fflush([user_check] void* f);
 43                 int32_t u_sgxprotectedfs_remove([in, string] const char* filename);
 45                 void*   u_sgxprotectedfs_recovery_file_open([in, string] const char* filename);
 46                 uint8_t u_sgxprotectedfs_fwrite_recovery_node([user_check] void* f, [in, count=data_length] uint8_t* data, uint32_t data_length);
 47                 int32_t u_sgxprotectedfs_do_file_recovery([in, string] const char* filename, [in, string] const char* recovery_filename, uint32_t node_size);
 48     };


94 typedef struct _file_mht_node
 95 {
 96         /* these are exactly the same as file_data_node_t below, any change should apply to both (both are saved in the cache as void*) */
 97         uint8_t type;
 98         uint64_t mht_node_number;
 99         struct _file_mht_node* parent;
100         bool need_writing;
101         bool new_node;
102         union {
103                 struct {
104                         uint64_t physical_node_number;
105                         encrypted_node_t encrypted; // the actual data from the disk
106                 };
107                 recovery_node_t recovery_node;
108         };
109         /* from here the structures are different */
110         mht_node_t plain; // decrypted data
111 } file_mht_node_t;


114 typedef struct _file_data_node
115 {
116         /* these are exactly the same as file_mht_node_t above, any change should apply to both (both are saved in the cache as void*) */
117         uint8_t type;
118         uint64_t data_node_number;
119         file_mht_node_t* parent;
120         bool need_writing;
121         bool new_node;
122         union {
123                 struct {
124                         uint64_t physical_node_number;
125                         encrypted_node_t encrypted; // the actual data from the disk
126                 };
127                 recovery_node_t recovery_node;
128         };
129         /* from here the structures are different */
130         data_node_t plain; // decrypted data
131 } file_data_node_t;


58 typedef struct _meta_data_plain
 59 {
 60         uint64_t         file_id;
 61         uint8_t          major_version;
 62         uint8_t          minor_version;
 64         sgx_key_id_t     meta_data_key_id;
 65         sgx_cpu_svn_t    cpu_svn;
 66         sgx_isv_svn_t    isv_svn;
 67         uint8_t          use_user_kdk_key;
 68         sgx_attributes_t attribute_mask;
 70         sgx_aes_gcm_128bit_tag_t meta_data_gmac;
 72         uint8_t          update_flag;
 73 } meta_data_plain_t;
 75 // these are all defined as relative to node size, so we can decrease node size in tests and have deeper tree
 76 #define FILENAME_MAX_LEN  260
 77 #define MD_USER_DATA_SIZE (NODE_SIZE*3/4)  // 3072
 78 COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(md_user_data_size, MD_USER_DATA_SIZE == 3072);


 80 typedef struct _meta_data_encrypted
 81 {
 82         char          clean_filename[FILENAME_MAX_LEN];
 83         int64_t       size;
 85         sgx_mc_uuid_t mc_uuid; // not used
 86         uint32_t      mc_value; // not used
 88         sgx_aes_gcm_128bit_key_t mht_key;
 89         sgx_aes_gcm_128bit_tag_t mht_gmac;
 91         uint8_t       data[MD_USER_DATA_SIZE];
 92 } meta_data_encrypted_t;
 94 typedef uint8_t meta_data_encrypted_blob_t[sizeof(meta_data_encrypted_t)];